Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Southern Living

After some much needed R&R we headed to Fort Valley, Georgia to visit one of our supporting churches, Fort Valley UMC. We spent several great days with the heads of the committee and were thankful for the warm welcome at the church. The title of our message when we shared on Sunday morning was “Ministry in the Spirit.” In addition to giving an update about our ministry Josh shared about the fact that we can do nothing without the Spirit working and living through us. We cannot take sips of the Spirit when we want to and get re-charged to go out and minister, but rather we must live in the life of the Spirit all of the time, letting his life flow through us. The truth is we have no ministry apart from God’s ministry and we can do nothing without a deep connection to God through the Spirit. Are we connected to the Father all the time? Or are we like the energizer bunny that keeps going until we need a new battery? Those bunnies do run out of juice at one time or another.

Currently, we are in Sylvan Springs, Alabama visiting some supporters. Yesterday, they took us around their area to see some of the tornado damage. As we road around with the windows down we got cold chills seeing the houses off of their foundations, destruction as far as the eye could see, and complete subdivisions wiped out. In our entire lives we’ve never seen anything like what we saw yesterday. We felt like we just caught a glimpse of what it means to live through a natural disaster and there have been so many in our world as of late. Would you join us in praying for those affected by natural disasters in our own country and abroad and for people who live in conditions much like those after a natural disaster everyday, ones who are living in abject poverty. Our world has so many needs! Let’s do our part.

Several of you have mentioned that our blog aids you in helping to know how to pray for us. We will keep you informed in the coming days, but here is a short list of current prayer requests:

-Safe travels back to Kentucky on Wednesday

-More ongoing financial and prayer support to come in before we leave for Mexico

-Guidance as we pack and prepare to say good good-byes

-Our time at Nicholasville UMC this coming Sunday

-Our stress level as we are getting ready to make a big change and return to Mexico and we still have a lot to do before we leave


Damage of an EF5 tornado in Concord, Alabama

Fort Valley UMC

Josh with some longtime friends at Fort Valley

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