Monday, May 2, 2011

Going Forth Fair and An Answer to Prayer

Sunday we spent the main part of the day at St. Luke United Methodist in Lexington, KY. Jennifer attended St. Luke in middle school and her parents are very active members of the church. We had the honor of participating in many ways Sunday at their annual "Going Forth Fair." The congregation was challenged to go forth into the world, their communities and abroad to serve as Christ served. We felt extremely welcomed by everyone and were blessed to be a part of such a wonderful celebration of what God is doing in the world and hear how we can contribute to his work.

After participating in the early service and sharing with several Sunday school classes, José from Wilmore's Casa de José, hosted and donated along with others a HUGE Mexican meal to raise money for our trip back to Mexico. We were amazed at the turn out. Lots of people showed up to eat some pretty amazing, not to mention authentic Mexican food, and to bless us through their donations. We are in awe of what God has done and humbled by the many people who have and do contribute to our ministry so that we can be missionaries and follow God's call on our lives. And when we say "our ministry" we don't really mean our ministry, but rather God's ministry your ministry because you partner with us. We are praising God and happy to announce that yesterday God raised the funds to cover our travel costs back to Mexico! Pray that we will continue to see God's provision in more ongoing monthly support.

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