Sunday, April 27, 2008

Get Off the Couch

There's a t-shirt that reads, "You can fall off the raft, get sucked under and die... You can fall off the raft, hit your head on a rock and die... You can fall off the couch and die... So get off the couch!" This sums up beautifully the lessons God has taught us in the past months. Danger is everywhere. Living in the states does not guarantee our safety or comfort, so why let fear of danger keep us from doing great things for God?
Tonight we shared this message with Asbury students at the WGM Global Cafe. In a fairly recent survey conducted at Asbury, fear of danger is the number 2 reason students said they would not consider serving through missions, yet when we take a look around at this world we live in we realize that we have little if any control over accidents, diseases, or crimes committed against us anywhere. Why do we live our lives in fear holding onto "safety", when we should be living our lives in the security that comes from being the hands and feet of Jesus?
We are thankful that several students have already learned this lesson and are going out this very summer to do great things in some dangerous places. Pray for them as they go overseas and as they "get off the couch" here.

The challenge before all of us is to live a radical life in the midst of our dangerous world.

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