Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Trip to Mexico City

This past weekend we had the wonderful opportunity to go to Mexico City with a friend from our group and to spend time with Rodrigo and the organic church that is just starting in the capital city. The weekend was an amazing experience because not only did we get to see for the first time a little bit of the biggest city in the world, but we were able to spend quality time with our friend and her family as well as attend the second meeting of the group in Mexico City that is also working with our friend Rodrigo. Saturday morning we gathered to learn more about what church consists of and doesn't consist of and the Holy Spirit was at work among us as we prayed for one another and shared each other's burdens. It brought tears to our eyes to be able to meet with another group of believers in Mexico City that we did not know previously, but who quickly became dear friends. When you share the same calling, the same vision, nothing can compare to sharing Christ with one another. We spent many hours together that day and then were able to spend some time with Rodrigo on Sunday as well.

We praise God that he is moving here in Mexico in sometimes small ways, but he is moving. It is nice to know we are not alone and that others are walking the same path with us though they may be a few hours away.

Would you join us in prayer for several things? One is for our finances. Please pray that our support would be strong even during this difficult economic time and that people would remember to send in their monthly support. We cannot stay here without the generous support of our friends and several churches. Also, please pray for more mature Christians to join us in ministry in León so that it will be easier for those who don't know Christ to see the love of Christ among us. Please pray for wisdom and patience on our part as we deal with hurting people. God is good and has supplied all of our needs! We would be honored if you would join us in praying that our needs would continue to be met both financially and spiritually.

Love to you all!

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