Monday, July 25, 2011

The Virgin of Guadalupe

Well today we are celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary and we couldn't be more thrilled to do so. =) We thank God for our time together and that we have stayed united during the good times and rough times. We give him all the glory. Thanks for standing behind us!

Today I had coffee with some friends and my heart was saddened by what I heard. Not only did I hear my one of my dear friends tell me the story of her broken family and the heartbreak she was going through, but also the lies of idolatry that are so much part of the Mexican culture. You see here the Virgin of Guadalupe, a representative of the virgin of Mary, is seen as a God. She is prayed to, worshipped, and images of her are everywhere. Where we live, to be Mexican is to be Catholic, and not just any kind of Catholic, but one who also worships the Virgin of Guadalupe among other virgins and images. We have to be very careful in how we approach our friends or talk to them about the subject. Really we have to let the Holy Spirit do his work because it is a VERY touchy topic. Would you join us in praying for our friends who struggle to make a connection between their faith and their everyday life and who are faced with idolatry on a daily basis? Pray that the Holy Spirit would give us wisdom when to speak up and when to be quite. Pray against idolatry and that Jesus Christ will be revealed in Central Mexico and break through the darkness of lies that have a grasp on this area. -Jennifer

Please don't forget to pray for our financial support. We are in much need of our budget being met every month. THANKS for all you do to keep us here on the field!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Trip to Mexico City

This past weekend we had the wonderful opportunity to go to Mexico City with a friend from our group and to spend time with Rodrigo and the organic church that is just starting in the capital city. The weekend was an amazing experience because not only did we get to see for the first time a little bit of the biggest city in the world, but we were able to spend quality time with our friend and her family as well as attend the second meeting of the group in Mexico City that is also working with our friend Rodrigo. Saturday morning we gathered to learn more about what church consists of and doesn't consist of and the Holy Spirit was at work among us as we prayed for one another and shared each other's burdens. It brought tears to our eyes to be able to meet with another group of believers in Mexico City that we did not know previously, but who quickly became dear friends. When you share the same calling, the same vision, nothing can compare to sharing Christ with one another. We spent many hours together that day and then were able to spend some time with Rodrigo on Sunday as well.

We praise God that he is moving here in Mexico in sometimes small ways, but he is moving. It is nice to know we are not alone and that others are walking the same path with us though they may be a few hours away.

Would you join us in prayer for several things? One is for our finances. Please pray that our support would be strong even during this difficult economic time and that people would remember to send in their monthly support. We cannot stay here without the generous support of our friends and several churches. Also, please pray for more mature Christians to join us in ministry in León so that it will be easier for those who don't know Christ to see the love of Christ among us. Please pray for wisdom and patience on our part as we deal with hurting people. God is good and has supplied all of our needs! We would be honored if you would join us in praying that our needs would continue to be met both financially and spiritually.

Love to you all!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Boy does time fly. We apologize for letting so much time go by without posting something. By now most of you should have received our latest newsletter and if you haven't you will be getting it in the mail shortly.

Well the weather has cooled down some and the rainy season seems to have actually started. So León is getting its much needed rain, and with the rain comes refreshment.

This past weekend we experienced refreshment as we hosted a new friend in our house. He is from another part of Mexico, but we have become good friends through mutual friends and were excited to finally meet Rodrigo in person. You see Rodrigo has been working on starting organic expressions of church for many years and has lots of experience in just the type of ministry God has called us to here in Mexico. It was an encouragement to be able to spend time talking about Christ being the head of his church, instead of the normal reaction of us wanting to take control and lead it. We discussed how slow ministry is here and that things do not grow fast, but little by little and as people see Christ's body at work and loving others, the church will grow. Right now Rodrigo is working in several cities to help support groups that are seeking Christ in their homes. Soon Rodrigo will be living in a city close to León, and we are looking forward to working with him in this endeavor to start a church where all the members are functioning and Christ is the head.

We've had some discouraging moments in ministry, but God used Rodrigo to encourage us and affirm our call along the way. Only God could have made this connection as we've both been praying for ministry partners. Would you join us in praying for more partners? More people that catch the vision of Christ being the head of his church and more believers to help us start what God called us to because the workers are few.

Pictured: Us with Rodrigo and another friend