Thursday, April 29, 2010

Long Overdue Update

Somehow the time is running away from us and we can't catch it. Our deepest apologies for not staying in touch better...

After several calm and encouraging weeks in ministry the hurricane arrived. We have come to realize that like life, ministry has its ups and downs. Sometimes the ups are way up and the downs are way down.

Currently we are working with another missionary couple to make church planting plans for this coming year. We are trying to schedule our time while we are in the States and wrap up things here before we leave. Life has been hectic because in the middle of our daily routine came several crisis that we needed to help our friends overcome.

Please pray for:
-Us to be wise in our time over the next month
-That our friends in our small group would love each other and learn what it means to follow Christ
-God's widsom and guidance as leaders and in church planting
-Encouragement in ministry
-A family who are close friends of ours and are dealing with a devastating situation and that God would guide us as we meet with them for Bible Study and counseling
-Maturity and growth in our lives and in our small group
-Success in scheduling our months in the States
-That our financial needs will be met as we switch from WGM to GO International

-One of our neighbors is finding Christ in the middle of her pain
-God's peace that is present in the middle of the storms of life
-Good friends
-David and Kristina, another missionary couple who share our calling to church plant here in León and with whom we are going to partner
-We are going to be able to take a vacation soon and get some rest
-Each of you and difference you make in our lives and in Mexico
-Good health and safety
-Jennifer got to perform ballet in a little presentation for the first time in a long time

Thanks for praying for these things and keeping in touch!

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