Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back in Mexico

We can hardly believe that our twelve days in the States has come and gone. The time passed very quickly and we only wish we could have visited with each one of you. However, we are extremely thankful we were able to see many of you. Our speaking engagements went well, and Josh's brother's wedding was beautiful! We truly had a wonderful time and a safe trip!

During our first few days in the US we experienced a little bit of culture shock as we adjusted to a culture very different from the one we've lived in this year. But, we adjusted quickly and are now having to reacclimate to being back in Mexico. This week has not been easy for us because leaving behind friends and family in the States once again brought some heavy hearts and even a few tears. Still, we know we are supposed to be here and our friends in our small group affirmed that this past Monday night.

Thanks for standing by us as we serve cross-culturally!

Us celebrating six years of marriage at one of our favorite restaurants in Lexington, KY
Josh and friend Hazim
Jennifer with her mother and grandmother
Josh's brother, Andy and his new wife Faith

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey Hey! Loved seeing your pics from home, and still sad we missed you. Hope you had a wonderful visit and can't wait to talk soon--we are in Dallas this weekend for a friend's wedding and my dad is here visiting his lady friend so we are hanging out with them as well. I will be in the field all this week, but maybe we can catch up next weekend? I have been thinking a lot about our conversations about the church, and may have another insight into why we see it a little differently, with some overlaps. Very excited about the ballet ministry idea!

Anyways, Zach noticed that you guys have lost a lot of weight and wants to make sure you are getting enough to eat in Mexico. :)