Monday, July 5, 2010

Back in the States

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under the trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time” --John Lubbock

God is good and his grace is wonderful! Our switch to GO International is official and the staff has been nothing but a blessing in our lives as we've made our way back to Kentucky. God has used GO to be the body of Christ for us as we take a slightly different path in our ministry by switching organizations. If you support us, please understand that any money sent to WGM will not reach our account and that gifts for us should now only be sent to GO International

We are back in Wimore. We don't know if we should call Wilmore or Mexico, home, or whether to say we feel like we don't know where be belong at the moment. Currently, we are going through the process of readjusting to a culture that we haven't been emerged in for nearly two years. This adjustment period is not easy as we face a mixture of emotions. Our original plan was to hit the States running with speaking engagements and visiting all of you wonderful people. However, we arrived to the States poured out and worn out. We are now much better healthwise and are thankful for your prayers, but have decided that we still need some time to rest, be filled, and adjust to the culture before jumping into talking about our ministry in Mexico. Soon there will be a newsletter coming your way explaining this a little more. Thanks for your patience as we are learning the ropes of cross-cultural ministry. As the quote above so beautifully captures the fact that there is a time for rest.

Thanks again for your continued love and support as we minister in Mexico and in the States. You minister through your gifts, tythes, and prayers.

PICTURES: Celebrating Josh's birthday with neighbors and friends and our last event with WGM as part of their official missionary team.

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