Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some days it is hard to remember that we are not the ones that are in charge of bringing about change in people, rather it is the Holy Spirit who does that work. That fact isn't always easy to recall when we are going through discouraging times in ministry. There are moments when we wonder if what we are doing is making a difference and then there are moments when we feel encouraged and stand amazed at what God has done. If we relied on how we felt from day to day we would not still be here. Instead we must trust that God will finish the work he has started and that if we are faithful to him in all we do then he will use it for his glory.

We are thankful that we have seen people grow in their relationship and in their knowledge of who God is. Also, we are thankful that we are going to have a retreat in June when we are going to baptize at least one person in our group. Last week we decided together as a group to work towards having a bakery where we can teach people skills that they can use to have a job or maybe open one where we can offer them employment. It is a way that we decided to serve the community, one with a lot of unemployment. This is going to be a huge project, but we are excited about it! Most likely we will start it when we get back from the States in the Fall and will work on preparations until then.

Last week we were thrilled to have Josh's parents here with us and spend some time with them. They hadn't been down here for over a year and it was special to be able to have to dinners in their honor. Meeting our friends was a joy for them =).

Remember that if you are a supporter of ours please tranfer your support to Go. See the last blog post for more information.

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