Saturday, May 2, 2009


Hello all!
Mmmmm...So many things we could say, but we aren't sure where to start.

Let's start with this influenza epidemic again...

Okay, honestly, by now we have come to the conclusion that this flu ordeal is not as big of a problem as the media and even the Mexico government is making it. We have reason to believe that they might want to blow it out of proportion because they want to put fear in the people to distract them from other things. If you have questions about our theories and why let us know. Anyway, some of you have heard that more than 100 people, or even bigger numbers, have died in Mexico. This is NOT true. Check out the World Health Organization for official numbers ( We have been keeping close tabs on this and many have died due to complications with pneumonia as well as the flu. As of today 16 people in all of Mexico, a country of over 200,000,000 people, have died. Please do not panic or be alarmed. You can however pray that all this disappears quickly. It is killing the already terrible economy here and I'm sure around the world as well.

Special Prayer...

This Tuesday the 5th of May there will be an important meeting between the church here in Leon and the national Mexican church of WGM. The meeting is an extremely crucial one. Would you please join us in prayer that God's will would be done? Thank you!


Many of you have been asking us when you'll be getting our next newsletter. It will be coming your way soon. It is just waiting for approval. =) Thanks for your patience!

God is doing something BIG...

Last week we started writing about the local church and a church plant model that God has been developing in our hearts. Jennifer posted her thoughts on her facebook page under her notes if you are interested in reading them. We have received many positive comments in response to what she wrote and in several conversations we have had with others. Now, we are excited and looking forward to the future because we think we will be able to use this model and help national pastors use it as well. In addition, we got to visit some friends in a nearby city last week who are using the same type of church model. God has honored them and their obedience and has grown their church plant like crazy in a matter of a few months. It was a treat to spend the weekend with this special missionary couple, be a part of their worship service, and share our ideas and callings. Josh was thankful they gave him the opportunity to preach or rather share a Bible lesson with them at their worship service last Friday. Our missionary friends are Honduran and they arrived here in the country the same time we did to work with WGM in Irapuato. We are thankful for them and their friendship and for what God is doing through them!

More to come soon...

1 comment:

Deyanira said...

Wow, Reynolds!!
hoy he leído todo su blog, y me dio mucho gusto saber más de ustedes, de sus preocupaciones, y de sus logros. (Ni siquiera sabía su apellido... y ya no se me va a olvidar porque yo uso el papel aluminio de su marca), jajaja.

Me sorprendió especialmente notar lo angustiados que estaban por el idioma, puesto que cuando yo los conocí podían darse a entender perfectamente.

Siendo así, los felicito por su tenacidad y su rápido avance, sin duda son muy capaces y su inteligencia les permtirá llegar a alcanzar sus sueños.

No soy una persona que haga oración, ni siquiera sé mucho de mi religión, pero les deseo lo mejor de lo mejor y les envío mucha buena vibra.

Reciban también un abrazo, y los veo mañana!!


P.D. Ya tenemos gatitos??