Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A full weekend

Last week was a special week because it was our last week of language classes in Guanjuato. Friday was a bittersweet day as we said good-bye to our teachers and several students with whom we had built relationships, but we look forward to our new schedule. We will meet with a tutor several times a week as well as meet with people every day to focus on conversation. Meanwhile, Josh is gearing up to start some English classes at the church and Jennifer is hoping to launch some ballet classes if she can get the details worked out. We are also looking at the possibility of starting a small group in our home, and we will continue our involvement in various ministries at the church and community. In addition, we are preparing to teach some theological education classes this summer for a ministry training program at our church. Yes our plates are full. =)

Thanks for praying for us and Blanca this weekend. Blanca is recovering, taking some time off of work this week and she is still very sore.

Saturday was a great day in spite of the fact that Friday afternoon Josh came down with a 24 hour virus and was very ill. We had to cancel our Valentine's date for Friday night and pray that Josh would be well enough for Saturday's activities. Thankfully, by Saturday afternoon he was feeling much better and was able to go to the youth Valentine's party and the couples' meeting. The youth group party went smoothly, and we think that those who attended were interested in our story. We hope we were able to connect with them and help them understand how important it is to have Christ in your relationships. Afterwards we were encouraged because we had several youth approach us and ask us some deep questions. Following the youth party we attended the couples get together. There we met some new friends and had a wonderful time of reflection and fellowship as we discussed the theme of complaining and how it is destructive in a marriage. Saturday was a late night as we stayed up late cooking for Sunday's big international potluck at church. Sunday morning Jennifer enjoyed helping in the kitchen and serving a variety of plates from the Americas. We are grateful for the way God worked through the various activities over the weekend!

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