Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Gifts...

Happy New Year to everyone! We hope you had a great Christmas and a special New Year. Right now we are incredibly thankful for the week we spent with Jennifer's family after spending five months away from family. We showed her parents and her brother around León, did some sightseeing, and enjoyed each other's company. Before we moved we didn't realize how much we would miss our families. Having Jennifer's family here on Christmas day was a huge blessing and today we look forward to the arrival of Josh's parents. The Seitz's brought Christmas cards with them that many of you sent to our PO Box. Opening them on Christmas was quite a treat! Thanks for remembering us because we love getting mail from home!

Operation Christmas Child...
Did you pack a shoebox at your church to send to a child in need in another country? In the past we had a great time picking out toys and clothes to fill a box take to church for Samaritan's Purse's outreach "Operation Christmas Child." As we mentioned in our last post we had the unique opportunity to participate in a different way this year. Last night we went to a neighborhood where we passed out the shoeboxes and saw the smiling faces of over a hundred children as they opened their boxes of goodies. The church will be distributing the rest of the boxes they ordered in other neighborhoods this week. A large portion of these children are not fortunate enough to receive gifts for Christmas or for the Day of the King. It was such a joy to handout the boxes and see the end result of the thoughtfulness and hard work of those in the states. We wish you could see the the gratefulness of the parents and kids and enjoy the fruits of your labor. We wanted you to know that these little boxes make a big difference in the lives of children all over the world. =D

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