Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Good Good-byes

God has truly blessed us with deep relationships with great people. Today was just more proof that we are surrounded by people who genuinely love and care for us. We had a farewell get together at the WGM Student Involvement Center in Wilmore tonight. We have definitely felt the love and prayers of those who support us and our ministry in Mexico, but had no idea so many people would come by to bid us farewell before we leave. As we looked around at all the smiling faces and talked with our dear friends, we felt joy and sadness. We felt joy because as we go we are able to take them along with us as they pray for us and support us. We felt sadness because we will be leaving such great friends behind. Words cannot express just how much our friends mean to us and just how empowered we feel because they believe in us.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen...

Start your engines! As we are eagerly awaiting and preparing to start our engines Tuesday, August 5th and head to Mexico, we were treated to the amazing opportunity of seeing the Brickyard 400 in Indy today. Neither of us had ever had the chance to see a live racing event before and it is so much better live! Going to the race capped off a very enjoyable weekend of spending time with great friends, meeting new ones, fellowshiping, and sharing our call at Plainfield UMC. We are glad to have made such wonderful memories before we leave for 2 years.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Missionary Day at Hollow Rock

What a fantastic way to bring our time of stateside ministry to a close! Today we shared in the morning service for Missionary Day at Hollow Rock Camp, a place where Josh experienced a new beginning in his life with Christ, where we began our stateside ministry just last year, and where we are now facing another new beginning. We have learned many tough lessons about ourselves, life, and God this past year, and we are honored to have had the opportunity to share these lessons and experiences with our Hollow Rock family. Preaching at such a historic and special place was the perfect way to end one phase of ministry and begin another.

Monday, July 21, 2008

2 More Weeks!

As we are realizing that we are spending our last weeks here in the states before our journey to Mexico, we could not have had a better week. We visited Jennifer's cousin in Orlando and had a great time visiting with her beautiful family. We spent several days on the beach processing the events of this past year and simply enjoying being married to each other. And we were fortunate enough to worship and share with the young adults at First Baptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland where Josh's friend Brett is the young adult pastor. Everything we did this week has helped us to be better prepared for the beginning of ministry in a completely foreign land. Spending time with our family, each other, and friends and fellow Christians was relaxing and invigorating.
Tomorrow we begin another week of traveling. We will be going to Hollow Rock Camp Meeting in Ohio (a place very special and integral in Josh's spiritual growth) and then we will spend a couple days with good friends in Indianapolis before we go to WGM headquarters in Marion, IN to officially conclude our time in stateside ministry.
On another note, if you are in the Central Kentucky area, we would love for you to come to our farewell party July 29th from 6-8pm (come and go) at the WGM Student Involvement Center (420 College St. Wilmore, KY 40390). We want to be able to see everyone before we leave and would love to be able to say, "Adios," to you our friends and supporters.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

More News

Here's a quick update...

Our latest newsletter is published. Be looking for it in your e-mail or mailbox shortly. If you have problems receiving it or are not on our list and would like to be please let us know!

More good news. Jennifer's latest test showed something abnormal. Yes, this is good news =). Apparently her stomach is not emptying her food properly and her doctor said that could be causing a lot of her pain. Hopefully the treatment will provide relief.

On a lighter note...We are holding a huge yard sale in Wilmore this Saturday on Bellevue Ave. If you are in the area please come on by. Let's hope for good weather!

Thanks again for your prayers, encouragement, and support as we prepare to move and say our good-byes.

Josh and Jennifer