Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Oh Canada!

For a few days this week we ventured to London, Ontario in Canada to visit some friends/supportors. One day we made a trip to Niagara Falls. We had never been before and we had a great time taking in the sights. One of the highlights was riding the Maid of the Mist boat that goes really close to the Falls. Our trip was the perfect getaway and refresher. Paul and Suzanne are such wonderful friends! Suzanne and Jennifer have been friends since they were sophomores in high school. Now they are excited to be pregnant together. You read it correctly. Jennifer is expecting and due in early April. We look forward to taking our brand new baby to Mexico shortly after it is born. =) We appreciate your prayers during this exciting time in our lives.
We will spend the rest of this week in Michigan and head to Jennifer's Uncle's church in Davisburg on Saturday to speak on Sunday.


Cydil said...

Wow! Congratulations on your big news!! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

Hey...don't know why I never realized you guys had a blog until to read. I will check back regularly. Mine is
Jennifer...glad you are still feeling well. :) I've got 3 months to go with this pregnancy and this little guy is a kicker right now! :) All very exciting!