Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sometimes God brings things into our lives that we would never expect. Josh has recently had the opportunity to referee football, something he loves and did for many years in the States. This has given him the chance to get to know other men his age and be a positive influence on them. God brought one of Josh's passions into his life so that he could use it for God's glory. Jennifer will soon be starting to teach classes for a non-profit organization that helps children in need. She will be teaching under privileged children ballet and she is very excited about the start of these classes because it is something she has wanted to do for a long time now. Would you pray that God sends the right children to her class room so that she can share his love with them? We never know what God will use to reach others whether it be football, ballet, or something else. We can use any skill or passion in order to bring praise to God, and we see this time and time again on the mission field. Pray that Christ's life would be evident in us as we spend time with neighbors, teach, and love those who are hurting around us. We know God is using you too in whatever you do! He uses all of us and we don't have to serve in another country in order for him to be seen in and through what we do from the most seemingly meaningless task to the greatest one.

This past weekend we had the honor of having our friend Rodrigo with us once again. He was a huge encouragement to us and he even had the chance to share with our small group. We praise God that he has provided us with a friend with whom we can share life and ministry with even if we don't live in the same city. We move forward trusting that God will provide more people like Rodrigo in our lives.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This week was an especially hard week ministry wise. We had some very difficult moments and have felt discouraged. As we've been told this is normal for people who are in full-time ministry, but that doesn't make it any easier. We are praying that God would guide us as we seek to be one with him and out of our relationship with him serve others. When we serve, give, and love the hurting world around us sometimes we get hurt in return. Sometimes, things don't go smoothly for us, and sometimes we feel lonely and wonder if what we are doing is making a difference. Then we remember that Jesus too was rejected and felt alone. When he was going to be crucified his disciples left him and betrayed him. Our Saviour has gone through every trial that we have gone through, and is aware of our pain and frustration.

We are so glad that many of you are praying for us, and some of you are even praying for us daily. We are humbled and know that your prayers, by God's grace, have been sustaining us. Would you continue to lift us up in prayer?

Here are some things you can pray for:


Constant surrender to Jesus

Guidance and Discernment

Our friends who do not know Jesus deeply

Mature Christians to join us in ministry

Thanks for your continued prayers and support and for ministering with us here in Central Mexico. We will continue to give God the glory and praise!

PICTURED: Ricky playing the violin during one of our meetings
Celebrating Blanca's birthday
The dedication of Emmanuel y Galilea (twins)